Basenotes is an independent guide to perfume and grooming. It contains an extensive perfume directory, many fragrance reviews, a dedicated articles section, and a popular discussion forum. Most members on this board are male. The site is in English.
Biblioparfum is an online catalogue dedicated to perfume books. All titles are accurately described and nicely illustrated; the collection, possibly the most extensive in the world, is privately owned by the author of Biblioparfum. The site is in French.
Bois de Jasmin
Bois de Jasmin is a weblog on various aspects of perfume, ranging from history to organic chemistry. It also features great reviews of some of the most exclusive perfumes available today. The site is in English.
Images de Parfums
Images de Parfums is a great resource for perfume advertisements from the 1980's onwards, available both in French and English. It also features a French discussion forum.
Leger de Nez
From 2005 to 2007, Leger de Nez was a perfume blog "devoted to reviews on the prestidigitation, the sleight of hand, the magic that is perfume". The site is in English.
Makeup Alley
MakeupAlley is a site dedicated to cosmetics, skincare, haircare, and fragrances. It features a popular discussion forum and a very extensive review section. The site is in English.
Now Smell This
Now Smell This is a daily updated perfume blog with several contributors. It features perfume news, reviews, and upcoming releases. The site is in English.
osMoz is a thematic site dedicated to perfume. It features a continuously updated list of new products, and an elaborate encyclopaedic section. The site is available in English, French, Italian, Spanish, and German.
Perfume Critic
PerfumeCritic.com is Marlen Harrison's perfume magazine, featuring contributors from various countries. The site is multilingual.
Perfume Isle
Perfume Isle is a discussion board for perfume aficionados. Founded in August 2004, the site features excellent fragrance reviews and a "perfume swap" section. The site is in English.
Perfume Notes - Archive
Pdf-copy (548 pages) of Luca Turin's weblog, online between June 2005 and January 2006. Includes comments by readers.
Perfume of Life
Perfume of Life Talk is a popular internet community dedicated to perfume. Most members on this board are female. The site is in English.
Perfume Posse
Perfume Posse, established in 2002, is a popular blog about perfume edited by Patty, March, Leopoldo and Bryan. The site is in English.
Perfume-Smellin' Things
Perfume-Smellin' Things is a frequently updated, popular weblog dedicated to perfume reviews. The site is in English.
Scented Salamander
The Scented Salamander is a daily fragrance blog and web-zine by Marie-Hélène Wagner. The site is in English.
SmellyBlog is Ayala Sender's blog, dedicated to perfume reviews. Ayala creates natural artisan and bespoke perfumes. The site is in English.
Sniffapalooza Magazine
Sniffapalooza Magazine is a weekly publication, featuring fragrance news, articles, reviews, and interviews. The site is in English.
Tauer Perfumes
This is Andy Tauer's weblog, which features personal observations and reflections on perfumery. Andy is an independent perfumer based in Switzerland. The site is in English.
Tout en Parfum
Tout en Parfum is a thematic site dedicated to perfume. It features a brief history of several perfume houses, a collection of old advertisements, a bibliography, and much more. The site is in French.
1000 Fragrances
Perfume historian Octavian Coifan writes about various aspects of perfume, ranging from history to chemistry. The blog is primarily in English; some posts are in French.